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Recital is the third week of May each season.
Details for our 2025 friends and family performances will be emailed and updated often!

2023 Spring Recital Timeline-2.png

Costumes are measured, ordered, and billed in February, photos will be posted to student accounts. Payment is not due until they are picked up in May, you are welcome to pay in installments. 

Recital Event Tee's with student's name on the back, Squishies, Stuffies & Sweatshirt keepsakes will be available to order in your student accounts.

Show 1: Monday, May 19th at 6:00pm

Early Monday classes

Show 2:  Monday, May 19, 7:30pm
Late Monday classes

Show 3 & 4: Tuesday, May 20th at 6:00pm
all Tuesday classes 

Show 5:  Competitive Showcase Wednesday
, May 21st, 6:00pm

Show 6: Thursday, May 22nd at 6:00 pm
all Thursday classes

Ballet Showcase - "Giselle" more details tba

We will offer 6-7 small spring recitals that will not sell out to showcase your dancer in a professional setting with convenience for your friends & family.

We are excited to be back at the historic Smoot Theatre and appreciate you as we work to create a safe & memorable experience for your dancer.

Each show is planned to be under one hour with plenty of seating for the convenience of our parents, siblings & family to enjoy their dancer's performance in a professional setting at The Smoot Theatre. 

Studio accounts should be paid in full before the Recital.

Tickets will be available in your dancer's account May 5th.

*If your dancer has the opportunity to perform in more than one show parents can use the first ticket for 50% off general admission balcony seating for all additional shows. 

We are so proud of your student and can't wait to Showcase all of their hard work!

You are always welcome to contact us at
 with any questions or concerns

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