Faculty Highlight - Rachel Romage
The 2017-2018 Dance Season will be Miss Rachel's fifth year with PACE. She is also the dance faculty for Marietta College teaching Tap,...

Faculty Highlight - Michelle Lynch-Bowling
The 2017-2018 Dance Season will be Michelle's fifth year on faculty at PACE. Michelle Lynch-Bowling is our favorite local dentist and...

Faculty Highlight - Morgan Heflin Parsons
PACE is beyond excited to have Miss Morgan back to share her time and talent with you this year! Morgan is a recent graduate of WVU with...

New to DANCE
Does your child have a passion for dancing or just can't stop moving around the house? Then you came to the right place! PACE provides...

Tips for separation tears if your dancer is new to class
Every parent worries about it - Is my child going to love dance or is she going to cry when I leave her? If she cries what do I do? Our...